Bio :
Sheila Webster Boneham writes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, much of it focused on the natural world. She was a North Carolina Arts Council Artist Fellow in 2015-16. Books in her best-selling Animals in Focus mystery series (published by Midnight Ink) have won Maxwell Awards for Fiction from the Dog Writers...
Bio :
Skip is the elected president of WAWA. There are 115 members as of Nov. 2014. We meet on the second Saturday of each month at St. Mark Catholic Church' Fellowship Hall at 1011 Eastwood Road, Wilmington at 10:00. We conduct demonstrations,clinics and workshops to help teach the craft of woodturning....
Bio :
Hettymae Productions is more than the average production company. Hettymae Productions brings together talent from all avenues to produce phenomenal stage plays, music, poetry, dance, and entertainment that unifies our families, communities, and churches.