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Publicist for Mykel Wurks Acme Art - Fourth Friday August 2013 Abstract artist Mykel presents "Love, Gravity, and Pigment". Wurks will comprise watercolors from San Francisco 2012-2013 as well as Wilmington & Carolina Beach Spring-Summer 2013.
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Barbara Gallagher is a composer/pianist. Her works are performed by regional symphonies and ensembles, and her piano recordings are broadcast on Pandora, Accuradio, Sirius/XM, and religious stations. She composed the theme music for WBPL's "Carolina Catholic" Radio show. Her music is published by Hal Leonard Corp., GIA, Inc, and Lassus...
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Retired art teacher. Work in a variety of media, mostly 2D. Also former professional musician. Play trombone and electric bass. Currently attempting some composition.
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Janette K. Hopper is a retired Professor who was raised in Idaho. During college, she served two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Maria la Baja, Colombia SA and afterward was a partner in a ranch in Idaho. Since receiving her MFA from the University of Oregon, she has...