Bio :
SandiCastles, LLC was founded in the Southeastern NC area by Sandi Adams. Sandi began working in sand in 2008 and has had the opportunity to learn from master sand sculptors Ted Siebert, Rich Varano, JOOheng Tan, and others. In addition to providing sculptures and lessons throughout Southeastern NC, Sandi was...
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The director of the North Carolina Jazz Festival, Inc. since 2006,which is a non-profit organization whose aim is to preserve, promote, and present JAZZ, our one truly American art form.
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Cape Fear Cultural Association of India's mission is as follows : To bring together people of Indian origin who live in South-Eastern North Carolina. To Preserve, Promote and Celebrate the rich Indian culture. To organize ‘Social-Networking’ events for kids and adults in the Indian community. To increase the understanding of...
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Sarah Sheffield started her professional life in social services and soon decided against continuing in that field. Having grown up around design (an architect grandfather, an art teacher mother and industrial designer father), she decided to take her Master in Public Administration, develop an art portfolio, and enter the arts...
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Ceramic retail and distribution center, teaching and working studio